Friday, February 1, 2008


As you know, I'm in school. People who go to school take lots of tests. I take lots of tests. Tests are not fun. But today let's take some fun tests. Here are a few to try.


19% Geek

Your Dominant Intelligence is Interpersonal Intelligence

You shine in your ability to relate to and understand others.
Good at seeing others' points of view, you get how people think and feel.
You have an uncanny ability to sense true feelings, intentions, and motivations.
A natural born leader, you are great at teaching and mediating conflict.

You would make a good counselor, salesperson, politician, or business person.

Your Linguistic Profile:

65% General American English

20% Yankee

10% Dixie

0% Midwestern

0% Upper Midwestern

Thanks for playing along. I love Friday's!!!!

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