Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I've been pretty blue lately so today I've decided to write about the things I have to be thankful for. I'm thinking that as the days go by I'll add to this list........I'll let you know when I'm out of my funk. = )

First of all, I'm thankful for God and His Son Jesus and through Him, my salvation.

I'm thankful for my Christian heritage and the parents who loved me, still love me, and continue to give me "pep talks."

I'm thankful for my little sister, Gabrielle. She is my very best friend. She knows me the best of anyone and continues to love me unconditionally. My BFFG!

I am thankful for each one of my four boys: Christopher, Beau, Evan & Anthony. They are the loves of my life. They bring me MUCH entertainment and laughter these days.

I am thankful for my friend Tracy, next to my sister she has been my closest friend. We have gone through many of life's trials together. We will be friends for life.